I recently got released from federal prison on June 25, 2019. I did 23 years and 8 months in places that I would not wish upon my worst enemy. I’ve heard countless tales of how hard it is once a person gets released from prison. Most of these tales ends up with that person going back to jail. But I am determined to not ever step foot into that place again. It was hard at first. I wanted to do so many things so fast. But my main objective was to get a job and get educated so I can be a good candidate for a better job in the future. I have accomplished that.
With the help of Marsha Pitzer and her creative corrections education foundation team, I have the education to start my life over again. I went to the Texas Workforce and was told that a lady was up there enquiring about candidates for free school. Without any hesitation I called her and was in class in less than two weeks. In less than four months I am certified in NCCER’S Construction Site Safety Orientation, Core Curriculum, Basic Rigging, Carpentry Level One, Core Curriculum: Introductory Craft Skills, Scaffolding, and Construction Craft Laborer Level One.
With this type of education, I feel I can make in any refinery and do the job I was taught to do. So much thanks to Marsha Pitzer and her Creative Corrections Education Foundation team. I owe it all to you CCEF.